Fishing For Smallmouth Bass

Monday, May 18, 2009

The following article is going to show you how to fish for Smallmouth Bass. This type of fish is one of the most trickiest to get a hold of so you should take these tips with great knowledge. It is known that Largemouth Bass are a lot easier to fish for then Smallmouth Bass.

Don't let this scare you off though. As long as you know what you are doing you can easier lure some big lunkers.


When fishing for Bass, try to keep your equipment fairly light. This means that your rod and reel should be as light as possible. Be sure to also make sure that your line is thin. This is because if your line is too think, the fish will spot it and therefore will not bite your line.

The more lighter equipment you use, the more bites you will get.


The ideal lures that you can use for fishing Smallmouth Bass are Jigs, Worms, and Crank baits. All of these work fairly well when it comes to fishing for Bass.

For deeper waters use the Jigs more often and for the shallow waters stick to the Crank bait. This will help you catch a lot more fish.

Gang Hooks

If you are using live bait on your fishing trip, try Gang Hooks. These types of hooks help the presentation of your bait. It makes it look more natural to the fish in the water.

If you equip a worm with a Gang Hook, it will look a lot more livelier to the fish. This means that you will get a lot more bites.

When To Be Fishing

Knowing when to be on the water at the right times is very important if you want to catch your limit every time. Fish feed at different hours of the day. The normal feeding times are often in the early morning and early evening time.

If you are a beginner to fishing for Bass, then just try out a few of these techniques for starters and work your way up. Look on some other sites to get more ideas and to learn more.

There is lots to learn about fishing and you won't find it all on one given website.


Bass Fishing Lure Techniques

Bass fishing is a very particular style of fishing. There is many different techniques and lures that you can use for fishing for this types of fish.

In the following article I am going to go over some different techniques that you can use for each lure. I will also show you what works best where and when it works best.

Shallow Water Lures

To fish for Bass in shallow water means exactly what the name implies. You will be fishing for Bass in shallow water as opposed to deep water. Most fishermen will say that if you are fishing in shallow waters to use floating bait to catch your fish.

This type of lure does work good in shallow water. A popular type of lure that may work good for you is the Jitterbug. Additionally, you can also try out Spinnerbaits as well. These types of lures work good in shallow water along side floating lures.

Medium Water Lures

Next comes up the medium water zones. Ideally Crank baits work the best here. Be warned though that there are many different types of Crank baits. If you are fishing in medium waters, try to go with the medium depth ones. If you are unsure what is what, then go ask your local fishing store, or you can also determine what zone it is by the size of the lip on the lure.

Jigs and Worms also work fairly good in medium depth waters. Give them a ago if you are having trouble using the Crank baits or if the fish just simply are not biting.

Deep Water Lures

Bass will often go to deeper waters in the Spring and Summer. This is because of the fact that the shallow water is just too warm for them. They will go to deeper waters to stay cool.

Plastic worms and Jigs are probably the best that you can use in deeper waters. You should stay away from Crank baits and any kind of live bait that you have. Just stick to the plastic stuff for now.

So there's the basics on this topic. It's not a lot of in-depth information but it should get you started in the right direction. If you need more help, look around on the site and click some of links to get you to where you are looking for.


Largemouth Bass Fishing

Many fishermen love to fish for Bass, but there are a few different types of Bass that you can fish for. One of the most preferred Bass to fish for is the Largemouth Bass and the Smallmouth Bass. In this article I am going to do a little bit of talking about the Largemouth species and how you can go about catching them.

These types of fish are the king of the smaller species. This is because they have a huge appetite, sharp vision and know how to put up a fight when you are reeling them in. Ask anyone who has fished for Largmouth before and they will tell you it is a blast to do so.

If you decide to go fishing for this particular type of fish, then you can be sure that you will be up for a fun day. These types of fish usually feed on small insects, so when you decide what lures to pick, try to pick something that looks alive and real. Some examples are worms, crayfish, bugs, ect...

In most cases, almost anything will work fairly well. Largemouth Bass just love to feed in general. They will probably bite whatever it is you decide to put on your line.

However, if you want to pin-point your chances even more you can decide on two different types of lures that will help you out.

Attraction Baits

These types of baits are the more pretty ones with all the colors and neat designs. These will often get spotted in the water and will be hard for the fish to resist biting. Most of these types of baits are equipped with a spinner to add some noise.

If you have even went bait shopping with your kids, you can probably expect that you kid will want to get one of these types of lures. They just love how pretty it looks.


The second type of bait that you can consider using is the triggering style. These lures are not as fancy as the attractive type but they get the job done nonetheless. They are designed to look real and intimidate live bait.

If you are trying to find what will work best for fishing for Largemouth Bass, you are going to have to do a little bit of experimentation on your own. What works good in some waters won't necessarily work good all over.


Bass Fishing Tips

Sunday, May 17, 2009

One of the most famous and exciting types of fishing styles out there for fishermen is bass fishing. Bass fishing is said to be very quick and action packed. Although it can be hard, in this article you will learn a few tips that will help you become a better fisherman.

Many newbies and beginner anglers love to fish for this style of fish because they are very lively and put up a good fight. If this interests you, then this might be the fishing style that is right for you.

The type of lures that you can use for bass fishing varies a lot. Because of the fact that these types of fish almost feed on anything, it is advisable that you try out anything before you come to and kind of solid conclusions. If you need some help, try starting out with Worms and Crank Bait for beginners.

Bass fish love cold water. Cold water holds more oxygen in it so they will most likely be found in these types of areas then anywhere else. Look for areas with lots of cover and cool water. These types of areas are a favorite amongst Bass.

Another place that you can look for is basically anywhere with a lot of weeds or plants in the water. Although many anglers will complain about fishing in these spots because of the potential to get snags, this is where a good portion of fish like to hang out. Look for areas with lots of weeds and you are bound to find some fish there for sure.

The last tip that I can give to you is the time of season that is best for fishing for Bass. Mid Spring and early summer prove to be the best time for fishing for Bass. Be sure you go early in the morning and in later evening time for the best time of the day to go fishing. These are the optimal feeding times of fish pretty much anywhere.

Follow some of these simple bass fishing tips and you are almost guaranteed you will help up catching more fish then before. Next time you plan a fishing trip, plan some of these fishing methods and you may see a little bit of an increase of the fun factor in your afternoon at the lake.


Bass Fishing Lures

If you are new to bass fishing, then you should pay special attention to this post as it will teach you a very important lesson when it comes to fishing. The tackle and lures that you use to fish with are going to play a huge role on how well you do the next time you go fishing. If you pick the right lures, you will catch more fish.

Bass fishing is no different then any other style of fishing, so therefore it has its own lures that work good and some that don't work so good. Hopefully this post will help you get a better idea of what will work for you and what will not work so well.

There are many different types of bass fishing lures. One of the most popular types of lures is the Worm. Worms have worked very well for fishing since the beginning of time. They work even better nowadays because they are scented and designed to look exactly like live bait. Some people even say that they perform better then live bait.

Another type of lure that succeeds because of the fact that it appears "life like" is Crank Bait. The key to catching Bass with this type of lure is making it look like live bait. Crank Baits usually work the best in shallow water and come in a large variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.

If you are fishing on a day that has a very calm and quite lake, then a topwater lure might out perform anything else in its class. A classic example of this is the JitterBug. These lures sit on the top of the water and will attract fish close to the surface. Use these in shallow water and on nice calm days.

As I have shown you, here are some different types of tackle that you can use to get started with bass fishing. If you don't really know what you are doing, then I would recommend you start off with a Crank Bait and take it from there.

Remember, not every type of lure is going to succeed in every place. You are going to need to experiment and practice before you can determine what will exactly work and what won't.

It is a trial and error process that you must overtake. With a good idea though you can make that process a lot smoother the next time you go fishing.


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This blog is about Bass Fishing Tips and many other things that will help you become a better fisherman. If you like what you see, look around. You will surely be able to find what you want here.

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Bass Fishing

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